Pyjo.Transaction.WebSocket - WebSocket transaction

import Pyjo.Transaction.WebSocket

# Send and receive WebSocket messages
ws =
ws.send('Hello World!')

def message(ws, msg):
    print("Message: {0}".format(repr(msg)))

def finish(ws, code, reason):
    print("WebSocket closed with status {0}".format(code))

Pyjo.Transaction.WebSocket is a container for WebSocket transactions based on RFC 6455.


Pyjo.Transaction.WebSocket inherits all events from Pyjo.Transaction and can emit the following new ones.


def binary(ws, chunk):

Emitted when a complete WebSocket binary message has been received.


def drain(ws):

Emitted once all data has been sent.


def finish(ws, code, reason):

Emitted when the WebSocket connection has been closed.


def frame(ws, frame):

Emitted when a WebSocket frame has been received.


def frame(ws, frame):
    print("FIN: {0}".format(frame))
    print("RSV1: {1}".format(frame))
    print("RSV2: {2}".format(frame))
    print("RSV3: {3}".format(frame))
    print("Opcode: {4}".format(frame))
    print("Payload: {5}".format(frame))


def json(ws, json):

Emitted when a complete WebSocket message has been received, all text and binary messages will be automatically JSON decoded. Note that this event only gets emitted when it has at least one subscriber.

def json(ws, json):
    print("Message: {msg}".format(json))


def message(ws, msg):

Emitted when a complete WebSocket message has been received, text messages will be automatically decoded. Note that this event only gets emitted when it has at least one subscriber.


def text(ws, chunk):

Emitted when a complete WebSocket text message has been received.


class Pyjo.Transaction.WebSocket.Pyjo_Transaction_WebSocket(**kwargs)

Pyjo.Transaction.WebSocket inherits all attributes and methods from Pyjo.Transaction and implements the following new ones.

build_frame(fin, rsv1, rsv2, rsv3, op, payload)
chunk = ws.build_frame(fin, rsv1, rsv2, rsv3, op, payload)

Build WebSocket frame.

# Binary frame with FIN bit and payload
print(ws.build_frame(1, 0, 0, 0, 2, b'Hello World!'))

# Text frame with payload but without FIN bit
print(ws.build_frame(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, b'Hello '))

# Continuation frame with FIN bit and payload
print(ws.build_frame(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, b'World!'))

# Close frame with FIN bit and without payload
print(ws.build_frame(1, 0, 0, 0, 8, b''))

# Ping frame with FIN bit and payload
print(ws.build_frame(1, 0, 0, 0, 9, b'Test 123'))

# Pong frame with FIN bit and payload
print(ws.build_frame(1, 0, 0, 0, 10, b'Test 123'))
chunk = ws.build_message(binary=message)
chunk = ws.build_message(text=message)
chunk = ws.build_message(json={'test': [1, 2, 3]})

Build WebSocket message.

compressed = None
boolean = ws.compressed
ws.compressed = boolean

Compress messages with permessage-deflate extension.

finish(code=None, reason=None)
ws = ws->finish()
ws = ws->finish(1000)
ws = ws->finish(1003, 'Cannot accept data!')

Close WebSocket connection gracefully.

masked = None
boolean = ws.masked
ws.masked = boolean

Mask outgoing frames with XOR cipher and a random 32-bit key.

max_websocket_size = None
size = ws.max_websocket_size
ws.max_websocket_size = 1024

Maximum WebSocket message size in bytes, defaults to the value of the PYJO_MAX_WEBSOCKET_SIZE environment variable or 262144 (256KB).

frame = ws.parse_frame(chunk)

Parse WebSocket frame.

# Parse single frame and remove it from buffer
frame = ws.parse_frame(chunk)
print("FIN: {0}".format(frame))
print("RSV1: {1}".format(frame))
print("RSV2: {2}".format(frame))
print("RSV3: {3}".format(frame))
print("Opcode: {4}".format(frame))
print("Payload: {5}".format(frame))
send(cb=None, **kwargs)
ws = ws.send(binary=message)
ws = ws.send(text=message)
ws = ws.send(json={'test': [1, 2, 3]})
ws = ws.send(frame=[fin, rsv1, rsv2, rsv3, op, payload])
ws = ws.send(cb, ...)

Send message or frame non-blocking via WebSocket, the optional drain callback will be invoked once all data has been written.

# Send “Ping” frame ws.send(frame=[1, 0, 0, 0, 9, b’Hello World!’])

alias of Pyjo_Transaction_WebSocket